Mainstreaming Migration into National Development (Phase I-II)

Objectifs de Développement Durable Connexes et Objectifs du Pacte Mondial sur les Migrations

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
gcm 7
GCM 16
GCM 19
GCM 23


Although “governance” encompasses far more than the work of governments, good governance is often tied to effective coordination among different levels of government and across different sectors to coherently implement policies on various areas like migration.

Migration is a cross-cutting issue that does not fall clearly within the responsibilities of one department or level of government. In the Republic of Moldova, the government is working towards a more coordinated and integrated approach to connect migration governance with economic, political, and social policies.

Against this background, the UNDP-IOM Joint Programme on Mainstreaming Migration (MM) into National Development Strategies supported the Government of the Republic of Moldova to mainstream migration into national laws and policies to harness migration for development.

Objectif clé

The Global Joint Programme was aimed at supporting governments to better govern migration in a way that maximizes human development outcomes and mitigates risks for migrants, their families, and communities of origin and destination.

Principales activités

The Programme was successful in providing inputs to a number of migration and development strategies, policies and action plans and establishing coordination mechanisms to improve policymaking on migration and development.

As an example, the mandate of the Committee on Diaspora, Migration and Development (DMD) was expanded to the local level to gather technical expertise that would feed back to influence relevant national policies.

Concretely, the Committee jointly developed recommendations for development strategies/plans and formulated proposals for draft legislation

Principaux succès ou facteurs innovants, bonnes pratiques et enseignements tirés (si disponibles)

Operationalization of a whole of government approach should not limit participation levels. Inter-institutional cooperation allowed stakeholders and the responsible persons within the Moldovan government to mutually empower one another to improve migration governance (IOM Moldova, 2018).

Efforts need to be institutionalized to withstand shocks. To reduce dependency on political buy-in limited to a number of committed public officials, efforts need to be institutionalized either through legislation or commitment from central and local public authorities. Such institutionalization can better ensure that progress is not threatened by shocks like restructuring and changes in staffing/leadership. 


The Government of Moldova

Autres projets

Données et Évaluation des Résultats; Diaspora, Associations de Migrants et Envois de Fonds; Gouvernance; Développement du Secteur Privé et Commerce
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM); ONU Femmes; Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD); Institut des Nations unies pour la formation et la recherche (UNITAR); Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population (UNFPA)
Image of a woman in Senegal