2023 HLPF – IOM-UNDP Side event: “Leveraging Human Mobility to Rescue the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Accelerate the SDGs”


At the midway point of implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the collective promise made in 2015 of justice and equality, of inclusive, sustainable development, and human rights and dignity for all, is in peril. At this unique time of confluence of multiple crisis and profound global transformations; the upcoming SDG Summit ought to be a moment of truth and reckoning: mobile populations are part of the solution.

Managed well, human mobility can be a cornerstone of development, prosperity, and progress. Accelerated action on human mobility can reduce inequalities and vulnerabilities. It can boost global value chains and meet the needs for sustainable development finance. It can contribute to achieve cohesive communities and sustainable rural and urban development. It can accompany and meet the demands and needs of a changing global labour market and divergent demographic trends among countries. It can be leveraged for entrepreneurship, including for green transition and climate action; and to build resilient and peaceful societies capable of adapting to the impacts of climate change and violence.

Human mobility can be a central element of the rescue plan for the SDGs. Stakeholders can build on existing innovative policy and operational practices; and blueprints to support transformation, including the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the Secretary General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement. But there is a need for bold commitments that have the potential to trigger the positive and knock-on effect of human mobility across the SDGs.

In the lead up to the SDG Summit, this side event co-organized by IOM and UNDP will gather UN entities, governments, and representatives of civil society and academia to:

  1. Present and discuss nascent and recent flagship initiatives that showcase, in the context of profound global transformations, the potential for human mobility to accelerate sustainable development outcomes for all; and
  2. Discuss and identify concrete commitments that the different stakeholders can realistically implement and could come prepared with at the SDG Summit.

This side event will be held in hybrid format, on Wednesday 19 July 2023 from 08.00am to 09.30am (New York City time), at UNDP Headquarters (in person) and online.

Register your participation by scanning the QR code on the banner at the top of this email or by clicking here.

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