Mixed Migration Review 2021: Reframing Human Mobility in a Changing World

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración

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SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
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The global context is rapidly changing and with new conflicts, new public health threats, new levels of environmental stress, and changing trends and perceptions around human mobility, now is the time to reframe mixed migration through the lens of different themes in one volume.

The 2021 edition of MMC’s annual flagship report, the Mixed Migration Review, offers:

  • a comprehensive annual analysis of mixed migration, this year through the lens of “reframing mixed migration”
  • a platform for different voices in the migration debate, a debate in which there are no easy answers

Highlights: Five stories shine light on the extraordinary experiences and journeys of refugees and migrants around the world; our yearly global compilation “Normalising the Extreme” lists policies and actions that restrict mixed migration and the rights of people on the move – contrasted by a new sister section titled “Resisting the Extreme” outlining positive and progressive developments; five winning essays from the first MMC essay competition offer insights and reflections on mixed migration by young researchers and writers from and based in the global south.

Interviews: In-depth interviews on mixed migration issues with policymakers, journalists, humanitarians, filmmakers, activists, academics and researchers raise many difficult questions and allow space for new thinking.

Essays: Essays on the new concept of ‘mixed immobility’, climate change and mixed migration, south-south migration, the role of defense companies in the securitisation of migration, future mobility in a post-pandemic world, the issue of returns and much more, invite to reappraise received wisdoms.

Data: A selection of 4Mi data from the approximately 10,000 interviews with refugees and migrants MMC conducts yearly across the globe, reflects two key themes of mixed migration: the decision to migrate and human smuggling.