Grupo de Intercambio de Pares para el Compromiso de la Diáspora (PEG): Subvenciones a la diáspora
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración
Objetivos: Este debate electrónico se centrará en el intercambio de prácticas recomendadas, lecciones aprendidas, consejos y trucos y experiencias de organizaciones y gobiernos que han concedido o conceden subvenciones a organizaciones de la diáspora. El debate tiene como objetivo identificar los factores clave del éxito y los retos comunes en la gestión de subvenciones para las organizaciones de la diáspora y debatir cómo aprovechar conjuntamente estos esfuerzos para el desarrollo sostenible. El debate electrónico forma parte del Grupo de Intercambio entre Pares para la Participación de la Diáspora (PEG), codirigido por la Oficina de Relaciones con la Diáspora de la República de Moldova, un pequeño grupo de debate informal que estimula el apoyo entre pares como parte de los esfuerzos de intercambio de conocimientos y desarrollo de capacidades del Programa M4SD. Los resultados de este intercambio servirán de base para el debate del GPE del 14 de enero de 2022.(agenda).
¿Por qué participar en este debate electrónico? Este espacio de debate en línea permite a los miembros del PEG (incluidos expertos en la diáspora, organizaciones, gobiernos nacionales y locales, etc.) seguir debatiendo y compartiendo sus ejemplos concretos de subvenciones para organizaciones de la diáspora. La diáspora suele considerar la financiación y el apoyo financiero como uno de sus mayores retos para la movilización y el apoyo a sus comunidades de origen, y los programas de subvenciones son una forma de superarlo. Este debate fomenta el aprendizaje entre iguales para mejorar los programas de subvenciones a la diáspora actuales y futuros, lo que en última instancia permitirá a la comunidad mundial capitalizar mejor la riqueza de conocimientos y capacidades de las diásporas para apoyar el desarrollo sostenible en las comunidades, mejorando el bienestar, los servicios, la gobernanza y mucho más. El espacio es privado y permite hablar con franqueza, obtener consejos prácticos y hacer preguntas a otros expertos en tiempo real, con el objetivo final de apoyar también a la República de Moldova para que establezca su propio programa de becas. El programa de subvenciones de Moldavia apoyará a las asociaciones de la diáspora para que lleven a cabo actividades socioculturales que apoyen el desarrollo de Moldavia. Lea su borrador de Nota Conceptual para darnos su opinión directa.
Participantes: Responsables políticos locales y nacionales, miembros de la diáspora, organizaciones de la diáspora, proveedores de subvenciones, sector privado, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, etc. que trabajan en la participación de la diáspora. Este debate electrónico está abierto únicamente a los miembros de los 11 países del Programa Global Conjunto OIM-PNUD sobre el Aporte de la Migración al Desarrollo Sostenible (Fase III), financiado por la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE). El Programa tiene por objeto aprovechar los beneficios para el desarrollo y reducir los efectos negativos de la migración para las comunidades de acogida y de origen, los migrantes y sus familiares.
Preguntas para el debate
- Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners in Home and Host Countries
- The Future of Diasporas
- Phoenix Centre: Addressing social exclusion in Moldova through philanthropy and diaspora engagement
- Maximizing Diaspora Engagement - Building Trust, Mobilizing Resources and Ensuring Sustainability: Insights and Reflections Paper
Debates anteriores
Los anteriores debates electrónicos reunieron a las partes interesadas de los gobiernos locales, las autoridades nacionales, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, los académicos y la comunidad internacional, entre otros, para debatir temas como los desplazamientos forzados y el desarrollo sostenible, la protección de los trabajadores migrantes, el modo en que las CSO y otros actores locales pueden apoyar el liderazgo de las ciudades en temas de M&SD, etc.
posted on 11 Ene 2022 by Audrey Hickcox
Peter Kwok - Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC)
1. What advice would you give to other applicants applying for a grant?
Understanding the purposes of the grant and reflecting how KPIs are connected to them in the proposal can be important. Funders would organise sessions to explain how the grant aims to help the applicants’ organisations to achieve the goals so it is worth attending to them. Sometimes, applicants may be required to jointly apply with a partner organisation. In such case, it would also be helpful to identify key roles in delivering the project.
2. Do you find any difference between grants managed by civil society or diaspora networks and those managed by national or local governments? What different concerns might there be across these different actors when designing and implementing a grants programme?
Governments sometimes may not carry out or disclose consultation they make with diaspora networks before announcing the grants. This way grant designer may not have taken all aspects into consideration that sometimes could make a difference in empowering applicants from the beginning. However, this may be on a case by case basis as there are very experienced government teams that know their diaspora networks well enough to make sound judgments. Sometimes grants managed by civil society and diaspora networks can be well promoted and be seen as more engaging. As long as the impartiality of the grant decision and management by civil society and diaspora networks is respected, in a long run, very positive impact can be achieved.
posted on 19 Ene 2022 by Audrey Hickcox
Luiza - Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC)
1. What advice would you give to other applicants applying for a grant?
What I would advise is to research the subsidies, why this subsidy, what are the conditions, what can my institution achieve with it? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Are there several institutions with the same idea/plan? How can my institution involve others without losing its identity? Keep in mind that there is no 100% solution anywhere and that all goals must be realistic and time-limited. There are simple methods for setting up a plan and building arguments well.
2. Do you find any difference between grants managed by civil society or diaspora networks and those managed by national or local governments?
Of course, there are differences, many diaspora organizations are not recognized, acknowledged, or seen. Worse still is that many of the diaspora organizations are not taken seriously by certain institutions and governments and they are "used" purely for achieving their target of development and cultural policies. It is a comparison that cannot be made for the time being. If many things have changed over the years but only a few diaspora organizations come forward, rarely a new or small organization gets the chance, and sometimes lack expertise and knowledge.
3. What different concerns might there be across these different actors when designing and implementing a grants program?
Ground rules are as uncomfortable as they sometimes need it. This finding necessitated greater contextual inquiry and analysis. Not only review and consultations, as well deep knowledge of the complexities of financial investments in different layers. And acknowledge that the expertise has to come from different angles (top-down, down-up). Often is it also about a lack of understanding of the multifaceted nature of diasporas and their engagement in development. On the other hand, the experts, activists, and even entrepreneurs working on diaspora development did not seem to have a thorough understanding of investment concepts and practices. There is a big lack of trust and often it plays a big roll in the decision of the government to give money to the diaspora organization. Communication, and perspectives: Conditions, expectations, and achievements can form an issue too. It is very important to clarify all these topics before starting any kind of agreement.
4. What are the pros and cons of grants that target organizations vs grants that target individuals? Based on your experience, when and why would you choose to select organizations and when would you choose to select individuals?
This is a comparison that cannot be made. When you provide a subsidy to an individual, it does not only affect him, certainly not in the long run. He is an individual, but he is certainly not alone, there are family and friends in his life. However, we must be always careful about the intentions of the individual, which cannot be verified by questions and answers, and it requires enormous trust, more than in an organization, but sometimes it is better to invest in an individual with a good plan than an organization. A way forward could be to link the individual to an organization based on agreements made, vision, and expectations.
Organizations are individuals with a certain plan and purpose and one of the big pitfalls is that in an organization there are different views on how to spend the money and that can lead to mismanagement and conflicts of interest.