Launch Event: Stakeholders in Ecuador Met Virtually to Launch Upcoming Activities in the Third Phase of the Global Programme
Related Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact for Migration Objectives
On July 15, 2022, IOM and UNDP Ecuador organized an online event to launch the upcoming activities both agencies will implement within the framework of the third phase of the Global Programme "Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development” (M4SD). This programme is being implemented in 11 different countries across the globe, including in Ecuador, with the objective of harnessing the benefits of migration for development and reducing the negative effects of migration on host and origin communities, migrants and their families.
This event provided an opportunity for representatives from both agencies as well as local government representatives in the cities of Manta and Santo Domingo and the province of Manabí to reflect on the results of past programming and present plans for the remaining duration of the programme. The presentations stressed activities that were launched aim to the overarching goal of promoting sustainable development through employment and socio-economic inclusion of migrants and vulnerable host community members through close collaboration between national and local authorities and the private sector.
Watch the full launch event below.