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Configure the meta tags below.

Use tokens to avoid redundant meta data and search engine penalization. For example, a 'keyword' value of "example" will be shown on all content using this configuration, whereas using the [node:field_keywords] automatically inserts the "keywords" values from the current entity (node, term, etc).

Browse available tokens.
Basic tags
Simple meta tags.
The text to display in the title bar of a visitor's web browser when they view this page. This meta tag may also be used as the title of the page when a visitor bookmarks or favorites this page, or as the page title in a search engine result. It is common to append '[site:name]' to the end of this, so the site's name is automatically added. It is recommended that the title is no greater than 55 - 65 characters long, including spaces.
A brief and concise summary of the page's content that is a maximum of 160 characters in length. The description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results.
A brief and concise summary of the page's content, preferably 150 characters or less. Where as the description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results, the abstract tag may be used to archive a summary about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by major search engines.
A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by most search engines.
Open Graph
The Open Graph meta tags are used to control how Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites interpret the site's content.

The Facebook Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.
The word that appears before the content's title in a sentence. The default ignores this value, the 'Automatic' value should be sufficient if this is actually needed.
A human-readable name for the site, e.g., IMDb.
The type of the content, e.g., movie.
Preferred page location or URL to help eliminate duplicate content for search engines, e.g.,
The title of the content, e.g., The Rock.
A one to two sentence description of the content.
The URL of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Should not be used if og:image:url is used. Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not specifically the first one. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.
The URL of an video which should represent the content. For best results use a source that is at least 1200 x 630 pixels in size, but at least 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum. Object types supported include video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
A alternative version of og:image and has exactly the same requirements; only one needs to be used. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.
The secure URL (HTTPS) of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly. Any URLs which start with "http://" will be converted to "https://".
The secure URL (HTTPS) of an video which should represent the content. Any URLs which start with "http://" will be converted to "https://".
The type of image referenced above. Should be either 'image/gif' for a GIF image, 'image/jpeg' for a JPG/JPEG image, or 'image/png' for a PNG image. Note: there should be one value for each image, and having more than there are images may cause problems.
The type of video referenced above. Should be either video.episode,, video.other, and video.tv_show. Note: there should be one value for each video, and having more than there are videos may cause problems.
The width of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
The height of the above video(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured videos are provided, they should both be the same size.
The height of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.
The height of the above video(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured videos are provided, they should both be the same size.
A description of what is in the image, not a caption. If the page specifies an og:image it should specify og:image:alt.
The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format. Can be the same as the 'Article modification date' tag.
The length of the video in seconds
URLs to related content
The locale these tags are marked up in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY. Default is 'en_US'.
Other locales this content is available in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY, e.g. 'fr_FR'. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
Links an article to a publisher's Facebook page.
The primary section of this website the content belongs to.
The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.
Links a book to an author's Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author's profile page or their Facebook profile IDs. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
The Book's ISBN
The date the book was released.
Appropriate keywords for this content. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
The URL to an audio file that complements this object.
The secure URL to an audio file that complements this object. All 'http://' URLs will automatically be converted to 'https://'. Any URLs which start with "http://" will be converted to "https://".
The MIME type of the audio file. Examples include 'application/mp3' for an MP3 file.
The first name of the person who's Profile page this is.
The person's last name.
Any of Facebook's gender values should be allowed, the initial two being 'male' and 'female'.
A pseudonym / alias of this person.
Links to the Facebook profiles for actor(s) that appear in the video. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
The roles of the actor(s). Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
Links to the Facebook profiles for director(s) that worked on the video. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
The date the video was released.
The TV show this series belongs to.
Tag words associated with this video. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
Links to the Facebook profiles for scriptwriter(s) for the video. Multiple values may be used, separated by `,`. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.
Twitter Cards
A set of meta tags specially for controlling the summaries displayed when content is shared on Twitter.
  • no other fields are required for a Summary card
  • Media player card requires the 'title', 'description', 'media player URL', 'media player width', 'media player height' and 'image' fields,
  • Summary Card with Large Image card requires the 'Summary' field and the 'image' field,
  • App Card requires the 'iPhone app ID' field, the 'iPad app ID' field and the 'Google Play app ID' field,
A description that concisely summarizes the content of the page, as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Do not re-use the title text as the description, or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. The string will be truncated, by Twitter, at the word to 200 characters.
The @username for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer; must include the @ symbol.
The page's title, which should be concise; it will be truncated at 70 characters by Twitter. This field is required unless this the 'type' field is set to 'photo'.
The numerical Twitter account ID for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer.
The @username for the content creator / author for this page, including the @ symbol.
The numerical Twitter account ID for the content creator / author for this page.
The URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. Do not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images larger than 120x120px will be resized and cropped square based on longest dimension. Images smaller than 60x60px will not be shown. If the 'type' is set to Photo then the image must be at least 280x150px. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.
The alternative text of the image being linked to. Limited to 420 characters.
If your application is not available in the US App Store, you must set this value to the two-letter country code for the App Store that contains your application.
The name of the iPhone app.
String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPhone app's ID in the App Store.
The iPhone app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
The name of the iPad app.
String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPad app's ID in the App Store.
The iPad app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
The name of the app in the Google Play app store.
Your app ID in the Google Play Store (i.e. "").
The Google Play app's custom URL scheme (must include "://" after the scheme name).
The full URL for loading a media player, specifically an iframe for an embedded video rather than the URL to a page that contains a player. Required when using the Player Card type.
The width of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using the Player Card type.
The height of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using the Player Card type.
The full URL for an MP4 video (h.264) or audio (AAC) stream, takes precedence over the other media player field.
The MIME type for the media contained in the stream URL, as defined by RFC 4337.